/* ================================================================================================= * TransMenu * March, 2003 * * Customizable multi-level animated DHTML menus with transparency. * * Copyright 2003-2004, Aaron Boodman (www.youngpup.net) * ================================================================================================= * "Can I use this?" * * Use of this library is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License. You can check it * out at: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/ * * Basically: You may copy, distribute, and eat this code as you wish. But you must give me credit * for writing it. You may not misrepresent yourself as the author of this code. * ================================================================================================= * "It's kinda hard to read, though" * * The uncompressed, commented version of this script can be found at: * http://youngpup.net/projects/transMenus * ================================================================================================= * updates: * 04.19.04 fixed cascade problem with menus nested greater than two levels. * 12.23.03 added hideCurrent for menu actuators with no menus. renamed to TransMenu. * 04.18.03 fixed render bug in IE 5.0 Mac by removing that browser from compatibility table ;) * also made gecko check a little more strict by specifying build no. * ============================================================================================== */ //================================================================================================== // Configuration properties //================================================================================================== TransMenu.spacerGif = "objetos/espaciador.gif"; // path to a transparent spacer gif TransMenu.dingbatOn = "objetos/submenu-abierto.gif"; // path to the active sub menu dingbat TransMenu.dingbatOff = "objetos/submenu-cerrado.gif"; // path to the inactive sub menu dingbat TransMenu.dingbatSize = 14; // size of the dingbat (square shape assumed) TransMenu.menuPadding = 0; // padding between menu border and items grid TransMenu.itemPadding = 2; // additional padding around each item TransMenu.shadowSize = 2; // size of shadow under menu TransMenu.shadowOffset = 3; // distance shadow should be offset from leading edge TransMenu.shadowColor = "#888"; // color of shadow (transparency is set in CSS) TransMenu.shadowPng = "objetos/gris.png"; // a PNG graphic to serve as the shadow for mac IE5 TransMenu.backgroundColor = "#C4CCCC"; // color of the background (transparency set in CSS) TransMenu.backgroundPng = "objetos/blanco.png"; // a PNG graphic to server as the background for mac IE5 TransMenu.hideDelay = 1000; // number of milliseconds to wait before hiding a menu TransMenu.slideTime = 400; // number of milliseconds it takes to open and close a menu TransMenu.preImg = "objetos/punto.gif"; //================================================================================================== // Internal use properties //================================================================================================== TransMenu.reference = {topLeft:1,topRight:2,bottomLeft:3,bottomRight:4}; TransMenu.direction = {down:1,right:2}; TransMenu.registry = []; TransMenu._maxZ = 100; //================================================================================================== // Static methods //================================================================================================== // supporting win ie5+, mac ie5.1+ and gecko >= mozilla 1.0 TransMenu.isSupported = function() { var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var pf = navigator.platform.toLowerCase(); var an = navigator.appName; var r = false; if (ua.indexOf("gecko") > -1 && navigator.productSub >= 20020605) r = true; // gecko >= moz 1.0 else if (an == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { if (document.getElementById) { // ie5.1+ mac,win if (pf.indexOf("mac") == 0) { r = /msie (\d(.\d*)?)/.test(ua) && Number(RegExp.$1) >= 5.1; } else r = true; } } return r; } // call this in onload once menus have been created TransMenu.initialize = function() { for (var i = 0, menu = null; menu = this.registry[i]; i++) { menu.initialize(); } } // call this in document body to write out menu html TransMenu.renderAll = function() { var aMenuHtml = []; for (var i = 0, menu = null; menu = this.registry[i]; i++) { aMenuHtml[i] = menu.toString(); } document.write(aMenuHtml.join("")); } //================================================================================================== // TransMenu constructor (only called internally) //================================================================================================== // oActuator : The thing that causes the menu to be shown when it is mousedover. Either a // reference to an HTML element, or a TransMenuItem from an existing menu. // iDirection : The direction to slide out. One of TransMenu.direction. // iLeft : Left pixel offset of menu from actuator // iTop : Top pixel offset of menu from actuator // iReferencePoint : Corner of actuator to measure from. One of TransMenu.referencePoint. // parentMenuSet : Menuset this menu will be added to. //================================================================================================== function TransMenu(oActuator, iDirection, iLeft, iTop, iReferencePoint, parentMenuSet) { // public methods this.addItem = addItem; this.addMenu = addMenu; this.toString = toString; this.initialize = initialize; this.isOpen = false; this.show = show; this.hide = hide; this.items = []; // events this.onactivate = new Function(); // when the menu starts to slide open this.ondeactivate = new Function(); // when the menu finishes sliding closed this.onmouseover = new Function(); // when the menu has been moused over this.onqueue = new Function(); // hack .. when the menu sets a timer to be closed a little while in the future this.ondequeue = new Function(); // initialization this.index = TransMenu.registry.length; TransMenu.registry[this.index] = this; var id = "TransMenu" + this.index; var contentHeight = null; var contentWidth = null; var childMenuSet = null; var animating = false; var childMenus = []; var slideAccel = -1; var elmCache = null; var ready = false; var _this = this; var a = null; var pos = iDirection == TransMenu.direction.down ? "top" : "left"; var dim = null; // private and public method implimentations function addItem(sText, sUrl) { var item = new TransMenuItem(sText, sUrl, this); item._index = this.items.length; this.items[item._index] = item; } function addMenu(oMenuItem) { if (!oMenuItem.parentMenu == this) throw new Error("Cannot add a menu here"); if (childMenuSet == null) childMenuSet = new TransMenuSet(TransMenu.direction.right, -5, 2, TransMenu.reference.topRight); var m = childMenuSet.addMenu(oMenuItem); childMenus[oMenuItem._index] = m; m.onmouseover = child_mouseover; m.ondeactivate = child_deactivate; m.onqueue = child_queue; m.ondequeue = child_dequeue; return m; } function initialize() { initCache(); initEvents(); initSize(); ready = true; } function show() { //dbg_dump("show"); if (ready) { _this.isOpen = true; animating = true; setContainerPos(); elmCache["clip"].style.visibility = "visible"; elmCache["clip"].style.zIndex = TransMenu._maxZ++; //dbg_dump("maxZ: " + TransMenu._maxZ); slideStart(); _this.onactivate(); } } function hide() { if (ready) { _this.isOpen = false; animating = true; for (var i = 0, item = null; item = elmCache.item[i]; i++) dehighlight(item); if (childMenuSet) childMenuSet.hide(); slideStart(); _this.ondeactivate(); } } function setContainerPos() { var sub = oActuator.constructor == TransMenuItem; var act = sub ? oActuator.parentMenu.elmCache["item"][oActuator._index] : oActuator; var el = act; var x = 0; var y = 0; var minX = 0; var maxX = (window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : document.body.clientWidth) - parseInt(elmCache["clip"].style.width); var minY = 0; var maxY = (window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : document.body.clientHeight) - parseInt(elmCache["clip"].style.height); // add up all offsets... subtract any scroll offset while (sub ? el.parentNode.className.indexOf("transMenu") == -1 : el.offsetParent) { x += el.offsetLeft; y += el.offsetTop; if (el.scrollLeft) x -= el.scrollLeft; if (el.scrollTop) y -= el.scrollTop; el = el.offsetParent; } if (oActuator.constructor == TransMenuItem) { x += parseInt(el.parentNode.style.left); y += parseInt(el.parentNode.style.top); } switch (iReferencePoint) { case TransMenu.reference.topLeft: break; case TransMenu.reference.topRight: x += act.offsetWidth; break; case TransMenu.reference.bottomLeft: y += act.offsetHeight; break; case TransMenu.reference.bottomRight: x += act.offsetWidth; y += act.offsetHeight; break; } x += iLeft; y += iTop; x = Math.max(Math.min(x, maxX), minX); y = Math.max(Math.min(y, maxY), minY); elmCache["clip"].style.left = x + "px"; elmCache["clip"].style.top = y + "px"; } function slideStart() { var x0 = parseInt(elmCache["content"].style[pos]); var x1 = _this.isOpen ? 0 : -dim; if (a != null) a.stop(); a = new Accelimation(x0, x1, TransMenu.slideTime, slideAccel); a.onframe = slideFrame; a.onend = slideEnd; a.start(); } function slideFrame(x) { elmCache["content"].style[pos] = x + "px"; } function slideEnd() { if (!_this.isOpen) elmCache["clip"].style.visibility = "hidden"; animating = false; } function initSize() { // everything is based off the size of the items table... var ow = elmCache["items"].offsetWidth; var oh = elmCache["items"].offsetHeight; var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); // clipping container should be ow/oh + the size of the shadow elmCache["clip"].style.width = ow + TransMenu.shadowSize + 2 + "px"; elmCache["clip"].style.height = oh + TransMenu.shadowSize + 2 + "px"; // same with content... elmCache["content"].style.width = ow + TransMenu.shadowSize + "px"; elmCache["content"].style.height = oh + TransMenu.shadowSize + "px"; contentHeight = oh + TransMenu.shadowSize; contentWidth = ow + TransMenu.shadowSize; dim = iDirection == TransMenu.direction.down ? contentHeight : contentWidth; // set initially closed elmCache["content"].style[pos] = -dim - TransMenu.shadowSize + "px"; elmCache["clip"].style.visibility = "hidden"; // if *not* mac/ie 5 if (ua.indexOf("mac") == -1 || ua.indexOf("gecko") > -1) { // set background div to offset size elmCache["background"].style.width = ow + "px"; elmCache["background"].style.height = oh + "px"; elmCache["background"].style.backgroundColor = TransMenu.backgroundColor; // shadow left starts at offset left and is offsetHeight pixels high elmCache["shadowRight"].style.left = ow + "px"; elmCache["shadowRight"].style.height = oh - (TransMenu.shadowOffset - TransMenu.shadowSize) + "px"; elmCache["shadowRight"].style.backgroundColor = TransMenu.shadowColor; // shadow bottom starts at offset height and is offsetWidth - shadowOffset // pixels wide (we don't want the bottom and right shadows to overlap or we // get an extra bright bottom-right corner) elmCache["shadowBottom"].style.top = oh + "px"; elmCache["shadowBottom"].style.width = ow - TransMenu.shadowOffset + "px"; elmCache["shadowBottom"].style.backgroundColor = TransMenu.shadowColor; } // mac ie is a little different because we use a PNG for the transparency else { // set background div to offset size elmCache["background"].firstChild.src = TransMenu.backgroundPng; elmCache["background"].firstChild.width = ow; elmCache["background"].firstChild.height = oh; // shadow left starts at offset left and is offsetHeight pixels high elmCache["shadowRight"].firstChild.src = TransMenu.shadowPng; elmCache["shadowRight"].style.left = ow + "px"; elmCache["shadowRight"].firstChild.width = TransMenu.shadowSize; elmCache["shadowRight"].firstChild.height = oh - (TransMenu.shadowOffset - TransMenu.shadowSize); // shadow bottom starts at offset height and is offsetWidth - shadowOffset // pixels wide (we don't want the bottom and right shadows to overlap or we // get an extra bright bottom-right corner) elmCache["shadowBottom"].firstChild.src = TransMenu.shadowPng; elmCache["shadowBottom"].style.top = oh + "px"; elmCache["shadowBottom"].firstChild.height = TransMenu.shadowSize; elmCache["shadowBottom"].firstChild.width = ow - TransMenu.shadowOffset; } } function initCache() { var menu = document.getElementById(id); var all = menu.all ? menu.all : menu.getElementsByTagName("*"); // IE/win doesn't support * syntax, but does have the document.all thing elmCache = {}; elmCache["clip"] = menu; elmCache["item"] = []; for (var i = 0, elm = null; elm = all[i]; i++) { switch (elm.className) { case "items": case "content": case "background": case "shadowRight": case "shadowBottom": elmCache[elm.className] = elm; break; case "item": elm._index = elmCache["item"].length; elmCache["item"][elm._index] = elm; break; } } // hack! _this.elmCache = elmCache; } function initEvents() { // hook item mouseover for (var i = 0, item = null; item = elmCache.item[i]; i++) { item.onmouseover = item_mouseover; item.onmouseout = item_mouseout; item.onclick = item_click; } // hook actuation if (typeof oActuator.tagName != "undefined") { oActuator.onmouseover = actuator_mouseover; oActuator.onmouseout = actuator_mouseout; } // hook menu mouseover elmCache["content"].onmouseover = content_mouseover; elmCache["content"].onmouseout = content_mouseout; } function highlight(oRow) { oRow.className = "item hover"; if (childMenus[oRow._index]) oRow.lastChild.firstChild.src = TransMenu.dingbatOn; } function dehighlight(oRow) { oRow.className = "item"; if (childMenus[oRow._index]) oRow.lastChild.firstChild.src = TransMenu.dingbatOff; } function item_mouseover() { if (!animating) { highlight(this); if (childMenus[this._index]) childMenuSet.showMenu(childMenus[this._index]); else if (childMenuSet) childMenuSet.hide(); } } function item_mouseout() { if (!animating) { if (childMenus[this._index]) childMenuSet.hideMenu(childMenus[this._index]); else // otherwise child_deactivate will do this dehighlight(this); } } function item_click() { if (!animating) { if (_this.items[this._index].url) location.href = _this.items[this._index].url; } } function actuator_mouseover() { parentMenuSet.showMenu(_this); } function actuator_mouseout() { parentMenuSet.hideMenu(_this); } function content_mouseover() { if (!animating) { parentMenuSet.showMenu(_this); _this.onmouseover(); } } function content_mouseout() { if (!animating) { parentMenuSet.hideMenu(_this); } } function child_mouseover() { if (!animating) { parentMenuSet.showMenu(_this); } } function child_deactivate() { for (var i = 0; i < childMenus.length; i++) { if (childMenus[i] == this) { dehighlight(elmCache["item"][i]); break; } } } function child_queue() { parentMenuSet.hideMenu(_this); } function child_dequeue() { parentMenuSet.showMenu(_this); } function toString() { var aHtml = []; var sClassName = "transMenu" + (oActuator.constructor != TransMenuItem ? " top" : ""); for (var i = 0, item = null; item = this.items[i]; i++) { aHtml[i] = item.toString(childMenus[i]); } return '